Heaven is a Happy Place


The following is a letter written by Pastor David to a widow:

Dear M.

It was an honour to be the celebrant at G's funeral.

The service was a fitting farewell for G due no doubt to the moving tributes from your children and grandchildren.

What struck me was the evident happy memories they had of G and how they expressed this happiness in their tributes.

After the service I reflected on the happy memories we have of our departed loved ones and whether or not this happiness continues in heaven.

I am convinced that heaven is a happy place.

At funerals people speak of deceased persons going to a better place. You hear such statements as "he/she is now at peace" or "we shall meet again" or "he/she is watching us from above". There is an optimistic assurance that death is not the end and that our deceased loved ones go straight to heaven. There is an innate sense of eternity written into our psyche.

It is hard to believe that all the happiness we have on earth will cease in heaven. If our Creator gives us enjoyment and a degree of happiness in this life it is unreasonable to assume that what he gives us to enjoy now will cease in the after-life.

Your children spoke of the humour and laughter G brought them - his jokes, his playfulness. Are we to suppose that in heaven there will be no happiness?

Whilst we do not know the exact nature of heavenly activity (except the praising of God), the moments of happiness we have on earth must continue in heaven for why would our Creator give us such moments and then deny them in heaven? God gives us capacity to be happy on earth. Why would he deny this capacity in heaven?

On earth is there a more joyous sound than that of children playing and laughing? I doubt it. Children (even without toys) can laugh and play. I imagine in heaven there will be smiles and laughter. It is a happy place. It is filled with people who have child-like natures.

In our present lives there are things that spoil our happiness such as death, sorrow, crying, and pain. But in heaven there will be none of these things. Imagine a place where no one cries, where no one dies. Imagine a place where there is no sorrow and pain. Such a place is heaven. It is a happy place.

I mentioned that we have an innate sense of heaven. People presume (rightly or wrongly) that at death everyone goes to heaven. We desire heaven. We want to go there when we die.

But then, what about that other place - hell? I’m sure there is a hell if only because it addresses the obvious fact that in this life there are people who get away with much evil and are not held to account. There has be a final reckoning if there is any justice at all.

You chose as the closing hymn that beautiful hymn which begins “All things bright and beautiful.” I am glad you chose this hymn because it ended the service on a note of hope.

I end with a note of hope. It is the hope of resurrection. When Jesus died on the cross his disciples were understandably sad. But these same disciples were later transformed and became the pioneer preachers of Christianity. They were transformed by a living experience with Christ Jesus who was raised from death.

Be assured that there is a life hereafter. It is a life in heaven. We may have this life because we have a living Saviour, Christ Jesus, who  has tasted death for us and has gone to heaven to prepare a place for his people. Trust in him. He will carry you to heaven - a happy place to be.

Your friend,

Pastor David

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