The Risen Lord's Impact on the Church (John 20:19-21:14)


Sermon Summary

Pastor David Yan

5 November 2023

That Jesus had an impact on the early church cannot be denied. The Bible is clear. Jesus Christ rose from death.

But Jesus's disciples were confused. They had heard Jesus talk about resurrection but they did not understand. When the risen Lord appeared before them, their confusion was dealt with. Confusion turned to clarity and clarity to confidence. Disciples must have confidence in the risen Lord or not be disciples at all.

Jesus declared peace to the disciples. No condemnation rested on them. Disciples may forsake Jesus but Jesus does not forsake them. He appeared to forgiven saints; not unforgiven sinners. He said, "Peace be with you." He still speaks peace to the church today.

Jesus sent his disciples into the world. He would no longer be physically present in the world, but the disciples would be, and be his representatives.

Jesus said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." The sent-out church has the Holy Spirit. This is its secret, its power. The church cannot be overpowered for it is empowered by God the Holy Spirit.

Jesus gave a mandate to his church. It was to preach the gospel and with that preaching would come the forgiveness of sins.

There was to be no doubting the risen Lord. Hence doubting Thomas must be dealt with. Thomas saw and believed. We do not see but can still believe, thanks to Thomas's testimony.

There was to be no doubting the power and authority of Jesus. Jesus caused the fishermen to have a huge catch of fish. This catch reminded the disciples they were to be fishers of souls.

There was to be no dwelling on past failures. Peter disowned Jesus but Jesus never disowned Peter. Peter is restored to the ministry. Jesus makes all things new.

Christians, be encouraged. We have a risen Saviour. We have the Holy Spirit. We have one another. (Remember, Jesus spoke to a group of followers.) We have a continuing mandate and an unchanging message to proclaim.

Jesus is risen. His resurrection had an impact on the early church. That impact rests on us also. If we do not proclaim life to the world it remains in death. But Jesus came to give life and life in abundance. Proclaim Christ. He is risen. He will make an impact on your hearers—the impact of abundant life.

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