The Ascension of Jesus: What It Means for Us Today (Ephesians 1:15-23, 2:4-7)


Sermon Summary

Pastor David Yan

5 May 2024

Ascension is the raising up of a physical body into heaven. Jesus ascended. Such ascension is beyond our understanding but is revealed in the Scriptures.

Enoch did not die, he ascended. Similarly, Elijah did not die, he ascended. Jesus spoke of his people ascending to heaven, that is, raptured. If Adam had not sinned he would have ascended into heaven and descended again to earth. God created the earth to be inhabited. The meek shall inherit the earth. There is meant to be movement between heaven and earth. Jesus could appear and disappear. Heaven to earth; earth to heaven. This would have been the case if there had been no sin. It will be the case in the new heaven and new earth.

Jesus's ascension shows he finished his earthly work. He died, rose, then ascended. His work is done. There is no need for his bodily presence today for the Holy Spirit is present to testify to the person of Jesus.

Jesus's ascension shows he has returned to glory. He came from glory. He returns to glory. During his earthly life he longed for his return to glory but he must first suffer before ascension. Jesus takes his church with him to glory. His disciples are in his death, resurrection, and ascension. Jesus came to save his people. He accomplished this and triumphantly takes his church to glory.

The disciples of Jesus are heirs and joint heirs with him (Rom 8:17). They rule with Jesus. Once the god of this age blinded people and held the world in his sway. But Jesus has triumphed and his people are heirs with him over creation.

The disciples of Jesus are above the angels and shall judge them (1 Cor 6:3). It is amazing, that man, who is created in the image of God and made a little lower than the angels, should one day judge angels. By reason of the redemptive work of Jesus man is now promoted to be higher than the angels.

Jesus's ascension serves as a warning to people who are not in him. When Jesus ascended he was welcomed in heaven. People who are not in the ascended Lord will descend and be welcomed in hell (Isa 14:9-11).

In the light of Jesus's ascension we who are in him must live as citizens of heaven. You are lifted high to heaven. Do not be weighed down by earth. Live triumphantly in Jesus. You are in his triumph. Live as his ascended people.

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