The Suffering and Exaltation of Joseph and Jesus (Genesis 41:37-49, 45:1-8)


Sermon Summary

Pastor David Yan

11 February 2024

Joseph is a type of Jesus. They both suffered and were exalted. They are an encouragement to all believers who suffer. Suffering is not the end. It is a prelude to exaltation. This is the testimony of Joseph and Jesus.

Joseph was violated. He was sold by his brothers. Jesus was violated. He was spat on, mocked, assaulted and nailed to a cross to die.

Joseph pleaded for his life. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus, in deep anguish, pleaded with the heavenly Father. Would he have to die?

Just as God was with Joseph so he was with Jesus. They were sustained by God. If God is for his people who can be against them; who can destroy them?

Joseph was exalted. In Egypt he was recognised by Pharaoh as someone special and was promoted to be governor. Jesus has also been exalted. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. He sits on the heavenly throne ruling the universe.

Joseph and Jesus were righteous. Righteousness exalts a nation, and the presence of righteous Joseph in Egypt caused Egypt to be exalted. The nations came to Egypt for food.The presence of righteous Jesus exalts Individuals and nations.

Blessings came because of Joseph's exaltation. Likewise blessings come to us because Jesus has been exalted. By faith in Jesus we are exalted with him in heaven.

Joseph's brothers were blessed because through Joseph they lived. We are blessed because through Jesus we have life—and life abundance.

Joseph's brothers were forgiven. Joseph showed grace and mercy to his brothers. We also are forgiven by the grace and mercy of God.

The saving of Joseph's family was by grace apart from works. Note that Joseph did not accept money from his brothers. Money cannot buy salvation. We are saved by grace through faith not works.

There was an abundance of food for Joseph’s family. In Christ we have an abundance of blessings. He does not forsake us and provides for us in life.

Note that salvation came through one man—Joseph. So our salvation comes through one man—Jesus. He is the only Mediator, the only Saviour.

Joseph took the place of his brothers. Jesus takes the place of his people. Jesus is the perfect substitute for us.

Note the efficacy of Joseph's work. Note also the efficacy of Jesus’ work. His death and resurrection are effective for our salvation. Nothing more needs to be done by him. It is finished.

The plight of Joseph was predetermined. He himself acknowledged this. Jesus was foreordained to die for the salvation of his people. What God predetermines cannot be derailed. No purpose of his can be withheld from him.

In the light of these things let us praise the Lord for the abundant blessings that come to us because Jesus, like Joseph, has suffered and has been exalted.

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